Manifold 3.0
Robust geometry
No Matches
Manifold Class Reference

This library's internal representation of an oriented, 2-manifold, triangle mesh - a simple boundary-representation of a solid object. Use this class to store and operate on solids, and use MeshGL for input and output. More...

#include <manifold.h>

Public Types

enum class  Error {
  NoError , NonFiniteVertex , NotManifold , VertexOutOfBounds ,
  PropertiesWrongLength , MissingPositionProperties , MergeVectorsDifferentLengths , MergeIndexOutOfBounds ,
  TransformWrongLength , RunIndexWrongLength , FaceIDWrongLength , InvalidConstruction ,


Copy / move / assignment

 Manifold ()
 Manifold (const Manifold &other)
Manifoldoperator= (const Manifold &other)
 Manifold (Manifold &&) noexcept
Manifoldoperator= (Manifold &&) noexcept

Input & Output

Create and retrieve arbitrary manifolds

 Manifold (const MeshGL &)
 Manifold (const MeshGL64 &)
MeshGL GetMeshGL (int normalIdx=-1) const
MeshGL64 GetMeshGL64 (int normalIdx=-1) const


Topological ops, primitives, and SDF

std::vector< ManifoldDecompose () const
static Manifold Compose (const std::vector< Manifold > &)
static Manifold Tetrahedron ()
static Manifold Cube (vec3 size=vec3(1.0), bool center=false)
static Manifold Cylinder (double height, double radiusLow, double radiusHigh=-1.0, int circularSegments=0, bool center=false)
static Manifold Sphere (double radius, int circularSegments=0)
static Manifold LevelSet (std::function< double(vec3)> sdf, Box bounds, double edgeLength, double level=0, double tolerance=-1, bool canParallel=true)


3D to 2D and 2D to 3D

Polygons Slice (double height=0) const
Polygons Project () const
static Manifold Extrude (const Polygons &crossSection, double height, int nDivisions=0, double twistDegrees=0.0, vec2 scaleTop=vec2(1.0))
static Manifold Revolve (const Polygons &crossSection, int circularSegments=0, double revolveDegrees=360.0f)


Details of the manifold

Error Status () const
bool IsEmpty () const
size_t NumVert () const
size_t NumEdge () const
size_t NumTri () const
size_t NumProp () const
size_t NumPropVert () const
Box BoundingBox () const
int Genus () const
double GetTolerance () const


double SurfaceArea () const
double Volume () const
double MinGap (const Manifold &other, double searchLength) const

Mesh ID

Details of the manifold's relation to its input meshes, for the purposes of reapplying mesh properties.

int OriginalID () const
Manifold AsOriginal () const
static uint32_t ReserveIDs (uint32_t)


Manifold Translate (vec3) const
Manifold Scale (vec3) const
Manifold Rotate (double xDegrees, double yDegrees=0.0, double zDegrees=0.0) const
Manifold Mirror (vec3) const
Manifold Transform (const mat3x4 &) const
Manifold Warp (std::function< void(vec3 &)>) const
Manifold WarpBatch (std::function< void(VecView< vec3 >)>) const
Manifold SetTolerance (double) const
Manifold Simplify (double tolerance=0) const


Combine two manifolds

Manifold Boolean (const Manifold &second, OpType op) const
Manifold operator+ (const Manifold &) const
Manifoldoperator+= (const Manifold &)
Manifold operator- (const Manifold &) const
Manifoldoperator-= (const Manifold &)
Manifold operator^ (const Manifold &) const
Manifoldoperator^= (const Manifold &)
std::pair< Manifold, ManifoldSplit (const Manifold &) const
std::pair< Manifold, ManifoldSplitByPlane (vec3 normal, double originOffset) const
Manifold TrimByPlane (vec3 normal, double originOffset) const
static Manifold BatchBoolean (const std::vector< Manifold > &manifolds, OpType op)


Create and modify vertex properties.

Manifold SetProperties (int numProp, std::function< void(double *, vec3, const double *)> propFunc) const
Manifold CalculateCurvature (int gaussianIdx, int meanIdx) const
Manifold CalculateNormals (int normalIdx, double minSharpAngle=60) const


Smooth meshes by calculating tangent vectors and refining to a higher triangle count.

Manifold Refine (int) const
Manifold RefineToLength (double) const
Manifold RefineToTolerance (double) const
Manifold SmoothByNormals (int normalIdx) const
Manifold SmoothOut (double minSharpAngle=60, double minSmoothness=0) const
static Manifold Smooth (const MeshGL &, const std::vector< Smoothness > &sharpenedEdges={})
static Manifold Smooth (const MeshGL64 &, const std::vector< Smoothness > &sharpenedEdges={})

Convex Hull

Manifold Hull () const
static Manifold Hull (const std::vector< Manifold > &manifolds)
static Manifold Hull (const std::vector< vec3 > &pts)

Testing Hooks

These are just for internal testing.

bool MatchesTriNormals () const
size_t NumDegenerateTris () const
double GetEpsilon () const

Detailed Description

This library's internal representation of an oriented, 2-manifold, triangle mesh - a simple boundary-representation of a solid object. Use this class to store and operate on solids, and use MeshGL for input and output.

In addition to storing geometric data, a Manifold can also store an arbitrary number of vertex properties. These could be anything, e.g. normals, UV coordinates, colors, etc, but this library is completely agnostic. All properties are merely float values indexed by channel number. It is up to the user to associate channel numbers with meaning.

Manifold allows vertex properties to be shared for efficient storage, or to have multiple property verts associated with a single geometric vertex, allowing sudden property changes, e.g. at Boolean intersections, without sacrificing manifoldness.

Manifolds also keep track of their relationships to their inputs, via OriginalIDs and the faceIDs and transforms accessible through MeshGL. This allows object-level properties to be re-associated with the output after many operations, particularly useful for materials. Since separate object's properties are not mixed, there is no requirement that channels have consistent meaning between different inputs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Manifold() [1/3]

Manifold ( )

Construct an empty Manifold.

◆ Manifold() [2/3]

Manifold ( const MeshGL & meshGL)

Convert a MeshGL into a Manifold, retaining its properties and merging only the positions according to the merge vectors. Will return an empty Manifold and set an Error Status if the result is not an oriented 2-manifold. Will collapse degenerate triangles and unnecessary vertices.

All fields are read, making this structure suitable for a lossless round-trip of data from GetMeshGL. For multi-material input, use ReserveIDs to set a unique originalID for each material, and sort the materials into triangle runs.

meshGLThe input MeshGL.

◆ Manifold() [3/3]

Manifold ( const MeshGL64 & meshGL64)

Convert a MeshGL into a Manifold, retaining its properties and merging only the positions according to the merge vectors. Will return an empty Manifold and set an Error Status if the result is not an oriented 2-manifold. Will collapse degenerate triangles and unnecessary vertices.

All fields are read, making this structure suitable for a lossless round-trip of data from GetMeshGL. For multi-material input, use ReserveIDs to set a unique originalID for each material, and sort the materials into triangle runs.

meshGL64The input MeshGL64.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetMeshGL()

MeshGL GetMeshGL ( int normalIdx = -1) const

The most complete output of this library, returning a MeshGL that is designed to easily push into a renderer, including all interleaved vertex properties that may have been input. It also includes relations to all the input meshes that form a part of this result and the transforms applied to each.

normalIdxIf the original MeshGL inputs that formed this manifold had properties corresponding to normal vectors, you can specify the first of the three consecutive property channels forming the (x, y, z) normals, which will cause this output MeshGL to automatically update these normals according to the applied transforms and front/back side. normalIdx + 3 must be <= numProp, and all original MeshGLs must use the same channels for their normals.

◆ GetMeshGL64()

MeshGL64 GetMeshGL64 ( int normalIdx = -1) const

The most complete output of this library, returning a MeshGL that is designed to easily push into a renderer, including all interleaved vertex properties that may have been input. It also includes relations to all the input meshes that form a part of this result and the transforms applied to each.

normalIdxIf the original MeshGL inputs that formed this manifold had properties corresponding to normal vectors, you can specify the first of the three consecutive property channels forming the (x, y, z) normals, which will cause this output MeshGL to automatically update these normals according to the applied transforms and front/back side. normalIdx + 3 must be <= numProp, and all original MeshGLs must use the same channels for their normals.

◆ Decompose()

std::vector< Manifold > Decompose ( ) const

This operation returns a vector of Manifolds that are topologically disconnected. If everything is connected, the vector is length one, containing a copy of the original. It is the inverse operation of Compose().

◆ Compose()

Manifold Compose ( const std::vector< Manifold > & manifolds)

Constructs a new manifold from a vector of other manifolds. This is a purely topological operation, so care should be taken to avoid creating overlapping results. It is the inverse operation of Decompose().

manifoldsA vector of Manifolds to lazy-union together.

◆ Tetrahedron()

Manifold Tetrahedron ( )

Constructs a tetrahedron centered at the origin with one vertex at (1,1,1) and the rest at similarly symmetric points.

◆ Cube()

Manifold Cube ( vec3 size = vec3(1.0),
bool center = false )

Constructs a unit cube (edge lengths all one), by default in the first octant, touching the origin. If any dimensions in size are negative, or if all are zero, an empty Manifold will be returned.

sizeThe X, Y, and Z dimensions of the box.
centerSet to true to shift the center to the origin.

◆ Cylinder()

Manifold Cylinder ( double height,
double radiusLow,
double radiusHigh = -1.0,
int circularSegments = 0,
bool center = false )

A convenience constructor for the common case of extruding a circle. Can also form cones if both radii are specified.

radiusLowRadius of bottom circle. Must be positive.
radiusHighRadius of top circle. Can equal zero. Default is equal to radiusLow.
circularSegmentsHow many line segments to use around the circle. Default is calculated by the static Defaults.
centerSet to true to shift the center to the origin. Default is origin at the bottom.

◆ Sphere()

Manifold Sphere ( double radius,
int circularSegments = 0 )

Constructs a geodesic sphere of a given radius.

radiusRadius of the sphere. Must be positive.
circularSegmentsNumber of segments along its diameter. This number will always be rounded up to the nearest factor of four, as this sphere is constructed by refining an octahedron. This means there are a circle of vertices on all three of the axis planes. Default is calculated by the static Defaults.

◆ LevelSet()

Manifold LevelSet ( std::function< double(vec3)> sdf,
Box bounds,
double edgeLength,
double level = 0,
double tolerance = -1,
bool canParallel = true )

Constructs a level-set manifold from the input Signed-Distance Function (SDF). This uses a form of Marching Tetrahedra (akin to Marching Cubes, but better for manifoldness). Instead of using a cubic grid, it uses a body-centered cubic grid (two shifted cubic grids). These grid points are snapped to the surface where possible to keep short edges from forming.

sdfThe signed-distance functor, containing this function signature: double operator()(vec3 point), which returns the signed distance of a given point in R^3. Positive values are inside, negative outside. There is no requirement that the function be a true distance, or even continuous.
boundsAn axis-aligned box that defines the extent of the grid.
edgeLengthApproximate maximum edge length of the triangles in the final result. This affects grid spacing, and hence has a strong effect on performance.
levelExtract the surface at this value of your sdf; defaults to zero. You can inset your mesh by using a positive value, or outset it with a negative value.
toleranceEnsure each vertex is within this distance of the true surface. Defaults to -1, which will return the interpolated crossing-point based on the two nearest grid points. Small positive values will require more sdf evaluations per output vertex.
canParallelParallel policies violate will crash language runtimes with runtime locks that expect to not be called back by unregistered threads. This allows bindings use LevelSet despite being compiled with MANIFOLD_PAR active.

◆ Slice()

Polygons Slice ( double height = 0) const

Returns the cross section of this object parallel to the X-Y plane at the specified Z height, defaulting to zero. Using a height equal to the bottom of the bounding box will return the bottom faces, while using a height equal to the top of the bounding box will return empty.

◆ Project()

Polygons Project ( ) const

Returns polygons representing the projected outline of this object onto the X-Y plane. These polygons will often self-intersect, so it is recommended to run them through the positive fill rule of CrossSection to get a sensible result before using them.

◆ Extrude()

Manifold Extrude ( const Polygons & crossSection,
double height,
int nDivisions = 0,
double twistDegrees = 0.0,
vec2 scaleTop = vec2(1.0) )

Constructs a manifold from a set of polygons by extruding them along the Z-axis. Note that high twistDegrees with small nDivisions may cause self-intersection. This is not checked here and it is up to the user to choose the correct parameters.

crossSectionA set of non-overlapping polygons to extrude.
heightZ-extent of extrusion.
nDivisionsNumber of extra copies of the crossSection to insert into the shape vertically; especially useful in combination with twistDegrees to avoid interpolation artifacts. Default is none.
twistDegreesAmount to twist the top crossSection relative to the bottom, interpolated linearly for the divisions in between.
scaleTopAmount to scale the top (independently in X and Y). If the scale is {0, 0}, a pure cone is formed with only a single vertex at the top. Note that scale is applied after twist. Default {1, 1}.

◆ Revolve()

Manifold Revolve ( const Polygons & crossSection,
int circularSegments = 0,
double revolveDegrees = 360.0f )

Constructs a manifold from a set of polygons by revolving this cross-section around its Y-axis and then setting this as the Z-axis of the resulting manifold. If the polygons cross the Y-axis, only the part on the positive X side is used. Geometrically valid input will result in geometrically valid output.

crossSectionA set of non-overlapping polygons to revolve.
circularSegmentsNumber of segments along its diameter. Default is calculated by the static Defaults.
revolveDegreesNumber of degrees to revolve. Default is 360 degrees.

◆ Status()

Manifold::Error Status ( ) const

Returns the reason for an input Mesh producing an empty Manifold. This Status only applies to Manifolds newly-created from an input Mesh - once they are combined into a new Manifold via operations, the status reverts to NoError, simply processing the problem mesh as empty. Likewise, empty meshes may still show NoError, for instance if they are small enough relative to their tolerance to be collapsed to nothing.

◆ IsEmpty()

bool IsEmpty ( ) const

Does the Manifold have any triangles?

◆ NumVert()

size_t NumVert ( ) const

The number of vertices in the Manifold.

◆ NumEdge()

size_t NumEdge ( ) const

The number of edges in the Manifold.

◆ NumTri()

size_t NumTri ( ) const

The number of triangles in the Manifold.

◆ NumProp()

size_t NumProp ( ) const

The number of properties per vertex in the Manifold.

◆ NumPropVert()

size_t NumPropVert ( ) const

The number of property vertices in the Manifold. This will always be >= NumVert, as some physical vertices may be duplicated to account for different properties on different neighboring triangles.

◆ BoundingBox()

Box BoundingBox ( ) const

Returns the axis-aligned bounding box of all the Manifold's vertices.

◆ Genus()

int Genus ( ) const

The genus is a topological property of the manifold, representing the number of "handles". A sphere is 0, torus 1, etc. It is only meaningful for a single mesh, so it is best to call Decompose() first.

◆ GetTolerance()

double GetTolerance ( ) const

Returns the tolerance value of this Manifold. Triangles that are coplanar within tolerance tend to be merged and edges shorter than tolerance tend to be collapsed.

◆ SurfaceArea()

double SurfaceArea ( ) const

Returns the surface area of the manifold.

◆ Volume()

double Volume ( ) const

Returns the volume of the manifold.

◆ MinGap()

double MinGap ( const Manifold & other,
double searchLength ) const

Returns the minimum gap between two manifolds. Returns a double between 0 and searchLength.

otherThe other manifold to compute the minimum gap to.
searchLengthThe maximum distance to search for a minimum gap.

◆ OriginalID()

int OriginalID ( ) const

If this mesh is an original, this returns its meshID that can be referenced by product manifolds' MeshRelation. If this manifold is a product, this returns -1.

◆ AsOriginal()

Manifold AsOriginal ( ) const

This removes all relations (originalID, faceID, transform) to ancestor meshes and this new Manifold is marked an original. It also collapses colinear edges

  • these don't get collapsed at boundaries where originalID changes, so the reset may allow flat faces to be further simplified.

◆ ReserveIDs()

uint32_t ReserveIDs ( uint32_t n)

Returns the first of n sequential new unique mesh IDs for marking sets of triangles that can be looked up after further operations. Assign to MeshGL.runOriginalID vector.

◆ Translate()

Manifold Translate ( vec3 v) const

Move this Manifold in space. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

vThe vector to add to every vertex.

◆ Scale()

Manifold Scale ( vec3 v) const

Scale this Manifold in space. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

vThe vector to multiply every vertex by per component.

◆ Rotate()

Manifold Rotate ( double xDegrees,
double yDegrees = 0.0,
double zDegrees = 0.0 ) const

Applies an Euler angle rotation to the manifold, first about the X axis, then Y, then Z, in degrees. We use degrees so that we can minimize rounding error, and eliminate it completely for any multiples of 90 degrees. Additionally, more efficient code paths are used to update the manifold when the transforms only rotate by multiples of 90 degrees. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

xDegreesFirst rotation, degrees about the X-axis.
yDegreesSecond rotation, degrees about the Y-axis.
zDegreesThird rotation, degrees about the Z-axis.

◆ Mirror()

Manifold Mirror ( vec3 normal) const

Mirror this Manifold over the plane described by the unit form of the given normal vector. If the length of the normal is zero, an empty Manifold is returned. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

normalThe normal vector of the plane to be mirrored over

◆ Transform()

Manifold Transform ( const mat3x4 & m) const

Transform this Manifold in space. The first three columns form a 3x3 matrix transform and the last is a translation vector. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

mThe affine transform matrix to apply to all the vertices.

◆ Warp()

Manifold Warp ( std::function< void(vec3 &)> warpFunc) const

This function does not change the topology, but allows the vertices to be moved according to any arbitrary input function. It is easy to create a function that warps a geometrically valid object into one which overlaps, but that is not checked here, so it is up to the user to choose their function with discretion.

warpFuncA function that modifies a given vertex position.

◆ WarpBatch()

Manifold WarpBatch ( std::function< void(VecView< vec3 >)> warpFunc) const

Same as Manifold::Warp but calls warpFunc with with a VecView which is roughly equivalent to std::span pointing to all vec3 elements to be modified in-place

warpFuncA function that modifies multiple vertex positions.

◆ SetTolerance()

Manifold SetTolerance ( double tolerance) const

Return a copy of the manifold with the set tolerance value. This performs mesh simplification when the tolerance value is increased.

◆ Simplify()

Manifold Simplify ( double tolerance = 0) const

Return a copy of the manifold simplified to the given tolerance, but with its actual tolerance value unchanged. If no tolerance is given, the current tolerance is used for simplification.

◆ Boolean()

Manifold Boolean ( const Manifold & second,
OpType op ) const

The central operation of this library: the Boolean combines two manifolds into another by calculating their intersections and removing the unused portions. ε-valid inputs will produce ε-valid output. ε-invalid input may fail triangulation.

These operations are optimized to produce nearly-instant results if either input is empty or their bounding boxes do not overlap.

secondThe other Manifold.
opThe type of operation to perform.

◆ BatchBoolean()

Manifold BatchBoolean ( const std::vector< Manifold > & manifolds,
OpType op )

Perform the given boolean operation on a list of Manifolds. In case of Subtract, all Manifolds in the tail are differenced from the head.

◆ operator+()

Manifold operator+ ( const Manifold & Q) const

Shorthand for Boolean Union.

◆ operator+=()

Manifold & operator+= ( const Manifold & Q)

Shorthand for Boolean Union assignment.

◆ operator-()

Manifold operator- ( const Manifold & Q) const

Shorthand for Boolean Difference.

◆ operator-=()

Manifold & operator-= ( const Manifold & Q)

Shorthand for Boolean Difference assignment.

◆ operator^()

Manifold operator^ ( const Manifold & Q) const

Shorthand for Boolean Intersection.

◆ operator^=()

Manifold & operator^= ( const Manifold & Q)

Shorthand for Boolean Intersection assignment.

◆ Split()

std::pair< Manifold, Manifold > Split ( const Manifold & cutter) const

Split cuts this manifold in two using the cutter manifold. The first result is the intersection, second is the difference. This is more efficient than doing them separately.


◆ SplitByPlane()

std::pair< Manifold, Manifold > SplitByPlane ( vec3 normal,
double originOffset ) const

Convenient version of Split() for a half-space.

normalThis vector is normal to the cutting plane and its length does not matter. The first result is in the direction of this vector, the second result is on the opposite side.
originOffsetThe distance of the plane from the origin in the direction of the normal vector.

◆ TrimByPlane()

Manifold TrimByPlane ( vec3 normal,
double originOffset ) const

Identical to SplitByPlane(), but calculating and returning only the first result.

normalThis vector is normal to the cutting plane and its length does not matter. The result is in the direction of this vector from the plane.
originOffsetThe distance of the plane from the origin in the direction of the normal vector.

◆ SetProperties()

Manifold SetProperties ( int numProp,
std::function< void(double *, vec3, const double *)> propFunc ) const

Create a new copy of this manifold with updated vertex properties by supplying a function that takes the existing position and properties as input. You may specify any number of output properties, allowing creation and removal of channels. Note: undefined behavior will result if you read past the number of input properties or write past the number of output properties.

If propFunc is a nullptr, this function will just set the channel to zeroes.

numPropThe new number of properties per vertex.
propFuncA function that modifies the properties of a given vertex.

◆ CalculateCurvature()

Manifold CalculateCurvature ( int gaussianIdx,
int meanIdx ) const

Curvature is the inverse of the radius of curvature, and signed such that positive is convex and negative is concave. There are two orthogonal principal curvatures at any point on a manifold, with one maximum and the other minimum. Gaussian curvature is their product, while mean curvature is their sum. This approximates them for every vertex and assigns them as vertex properties on the given channels.

gaussianIdxThe property channel index in which to store the Gaussian curvature. An index < 0 will be ignored (stores nothing). The property set will be automatically expanded to include the channel index specified.
meanIdxThe property channel index in which to store the mean curvature. An index < 0 will be ignored (stores nothing). The property set will be automatically expanded to include the channel index specified.

◆ CalculateNormals()

Manifold CalculateNormals ( int normalIdx,
double minSharpAngle = 60 ) const

Fills in vertex properties for normal vectors, calculated from the mesh geometry. Flat faces composed of three or more triangles will remain flat.

normalIdxThe property channel in which to store the X values of the normals. The X, Y, and Z channels will be sequential. The property set will be automatically expanded such that NumProp will be at least normalIdx + 3.
minSharpAngleAny edges with angles greater than this value will remain sharp, getting different normal vector properties on each side of the edge. By default, no edges are sharp and all normals are shared. With a value of zero, the model is faceted and all normals match their triangle normals, but in this case it would be better not to calculate normals at all.

◆ Refine()

Manifold Refine ( int n) const

Increase the density of the mesh by splitting every edge into n pieces. For instance, with n = 2, each triangle will be split into 4 triangles. Quads will ignore their interior triangle bisector. These will all be coplanar (and will not be immediately collapsed) unless the Mesh/Manifold has halfedgeTangents specified (e.g. from the Smooth() constructor), in which case the new vertices will be moved to the interpolated surface according to their barycentric coordinates.

nThe number of pieces to split every edge into. Must be > 1.

◆ RefineToLength()

Manifold RefineToLength ( double length) const

Increase the density of the mesh by splitting each edge into pieces of roughly the input length. Interior verts are added to keep the rest of the triangulation edges also of roughly the same length. If halfedgeTangents are present (e.g. from the Smooth() constructor), the new vertices will be moved to the interpolated surface according to their barycentric coordinates. Quads will ignore their interior triangle bisector.

lengthThe length that edges will be broken down to.

◆ RefineToTolerance()

Manifold RefineToTolerance ( double tolerance) const

Increase the density of the mesh by splitting each edge into pieces such that any point on the resulting triangles is roughly within tolerance of the smoothly curved surface defined by the tangent vectors. This means tightly curving regions will be divided more finely than smoother regions. If halfedgeTangents are not present, the result will simply be a copy of the original. Quads will ignore their interior triangle bisector.

toleranceThe desired maximum distance between the faceted mesh produced and the exact smoothly curving surface. All vertices are exactly on the surface, within rounding error.

◆ SmoothByNormals()

Manifold SmoothByNormals ( int normalIdx) const

Smooths out the Manifold by filling in the halfedgeTangent vectors. The geometry will remain unchanged until Refine or RefineToLength is called to interpolate the surface. This version uses the supplied vertex normal properties to define the tangent vectors. Faces of two coplanar triangles will be marked as quads, while faces with three or more will be flat.

normalIdxThe first property channel of the normals. NumProp must be at least normalIdx + 3. Any vertex where multiple normals exist and don't agree will result in a sharp edge.

◆ SmoothOut()

Manifold SmoothOut ( double minSharpAngle = 60,
double minSmoothness = 0 ) const

Smooths out the Manifold by filling in the halfedgeTangent vectors. The geometry will remain unchanged until Refine or RefineToLength is called to interpolate the surface. This version uses the geometry of the triangles and pseudo-normals to define the tangent vectors. Faces of two coplanar triangles will be marked as quads.

minSharpAngledegrees, default 60. Any edges with angles greater than this value will remain sharp. The rest will be smoothed to G1 continuity, with the caveat that flat faces of three or more triangles will always remain flat. With a value of zero, the model is faceted, but in this case there is no point in smoothing.
minSmoothnessrange: 0 - 1, default 0. The smoothness applied to sharp angles. The default gives a hard edge, while values > 0 will give a small fillet on these sharp edges. A value of 1 is equivalent to a minSharpAngle of 180 - all edges will be smooth.

◆ Smooth() [1/2]

Manifold Smooth ( const MeshGL & meshGL,
const std::vector< Smoothness > & sharpenedEdges = {} )

Constructs a smooth version of the input mesh by creating tangents; this method will throw if you have supplied tangents with your mesh already. The actual triangle resolution is unchanged; use the Refine() method to interpolate to a higher-resolution curve.

By default, every edge is calculated for maximum smoothness (very much approximately), attempting to minimize the maximum mean Curvature magnitude. No higher-order derivatives are considered, as the interpolation is independent per triangle, only sharing constraints on their boundaries.

meshGLinput MeshGL.
sharpenedEdgesIf desired, you can supply a vector of sharpened halfedges, which should in general be a small subset of all halfedges. Order of entries doesn't matter, as each one specifies the desired smoothness (between zero and one, with one the default for all unspecified halfedges) and the halfedge index (3 * triangle index + [0,1,2] where 0 is the edge between triVert 0 and 1, etc).

At a smoothness value of zero, a sharp crease is made. The smoothness is interpolated along each edge, so the specified value should be thought of as an average. Where exactly two sharpened edges meet at a vertex, their tangents are rotated to be colinear so that the sharpened edge can be continuous. Vertices with only one sharpened edge are completely smooth, allowing sharpened edges to smoothly vanish at termination. A single vertex can be sharpened by sharping all edges that are incident on it, allowing cones to be formed.

◆ Smooth() [2/2]

Manifold Smooth ( const MeshGL64 & meshGL64,
const std::vector< Smoothness > & sharpenedEdges = {} )

Constructs a smooth version of the input mesh by creating tangents; this method will throw if you have supplied tangents with your mesh already. The actual triangle resolution is unchanged; use the Refine() method to interpolate to a higher-resolution curve.

By default, every edge is calculated for maximum smoothness (very much approximately), attempting to minimize the maximum mean Curvature magnitude. No higher-order derivatives are considered, as the interpolation is independent per triangle, only sharing constraints on their boundaries.

meshGL64input MeshGL64.
sharpenedEdgesIf desired, you can supply a vector of sharpened halfedges, which should in general be a small subset of all halfedges. Order of entries doesn't matter, as each one specifies the desired smoothness (between zero and one, with one the default for all unspecified halfedges) and the halfedge index (3 * triangle index + [0,1,2] where 0 is the edge between triVert 0 and 1, etc).

At a smoothness value of zero, a sharp crease is made. The smoothness is interpolated along each edge, so the specified value should be thought of as an average. Where exactly two sharpened edges meet at a vertex, their tangents are rotated to be colinear so that the sharpened edge can be continuous. Vertices with only one sharpened edge are completely smooth, allowing sharpened edges to smoothly vanish at termination. A single vertex can be sharpened by sharping all edges that are incident on it, allowing cones to be formed.

◆ Hull() [1/3]

Manifold Hull ( ) const

Compute the convex hull of this manifold.

◆ Hull() [2/3]

Manifold Hull ( const std::vector< Manifold > & manifolds)

Compute the convex hull enveloping a set of manifolds.

manifoldsA vector of manifolds over which to compute a convex hull.

◆ Hull() [3/3]

Manifold Hull ( const std::vector< vec3 > & pts)

Compute the convex hull of a set of points. If the given points are fewer than 4, or they are all coplanar, an empty Manifold will be returned.

ptsA vector of 3-dimensional points over which to compute a convex hull.

◆ MatchesTriNormals()

bool MatchesTriNormals ( ) const

The triangle normal vectors are saved over the course of operations rather than recalculated to avoid rounding error. This checks that triangles still match their normal vectors within Precision().

◆ NumDegenerateTris()

size_t NumDegenerateTris ( ) const

The number of triangles that are colinear within Precision(). This library attempts to remove all of these, but it cannot always remove all of them without changing the mesh by too much.

◆ GetEpsilon()

double GetEpsilon ( ) const

Returns the epsilon value of this Manifold's vertices, which tracks the approximate rounding error over all the transforms and operations that have led to this state. This is the value of ε defining ε-valid.