Manifold 3.0
Robust geometry
No Matches
CrossSection Class Reference

Two-dimensional cross sections guaranteed to be without self-intersections, or overlaps between polygons (from construction onwards). This class makes use of the Clipper2 library for polygon clipping (boolean) and offsetting operations. More...

#include <cross_section.h>

Public Types

enum class  FillRule { EvenOdd , NonZero , Positive , Negative }
enum class  JoinType { Square , Round , Miter }


Copy / move / assignment

 CrossSection ()
 CrossSection (const CrossSection &other)
CrossSectionoperator= (const CrossSection &other)
 CrossSection (CrossSection &&) noexcept
CrossSectionoperator= (CrossSection &&) noexcept

Input & Output

 CrossSection (const SimplePolygon &contour, FillRule fillrule=FillRule::Positive)
 CrossSection (const Polygons &contours, FillRule fillrule=FillRule::Positive)
 CrossSection (const Rect &rect)
Polygons ToPolygons () const


Topological ops and primitives

std::vector< CrossSectionDecompose () const
static CrossSection Compose (const std::vector< CrossSection > &)
static CrossSection Square (const vec2 dims, bool center=false)
static CrossSection Circle (double radius, int circularSegments=0)


Details of the cross-section

bool IsEmpty () const
size_t NumVert () const
size_t NumContour () const
Rect Bounds () const
double Area () const


CrossSection Translate (const vec2 v) const
CrossSection Rotate (double degrees) const
CrossSection Scale (const vec2 s) const
CrossSection Mirror (const vec2 ax) const
CrossSection Transform (const mat2x3 &m) const
CrossSection Warp (std::function< void(vec2 &)> warpFunc) const
CrossSection WarpBatch (std::function< void(VecView< vec2 >)> warpFunc) const
CrossSection Simplify (double epsilon=1e-6) const
CrossSection Offset (double delta, JoinType jt, double miter_limit=2.0, int circularSegments=0) const


Combine two manifolds

CrossSection Boolean (const CrossSection &second, OpType op) const
CrossSection operator+ (const CrossSection &) const
CrossSectionoperator+= (const CrossSection &)
CrossSection operator- (const CrossSection &) const
CrossSectionoperator-= (const CrossSection &)
CrossSection operator^ (const CrossSection &) const
CrossSectionoperator^= (const CrossSection &)
static CrossSection BatchBoolean (const std::vector< CrossSection > &crossSections, OpType op)

Convex Hull

CrossSection Hull () const
static CrossSection Hull (const std::vector< CrossSection > &crossSections)
static CrossSection Hull (const SimplePolygon pts)
static CrossSection Hull (const Polygons polys)

Detailed Description

Two-dimensional cross sections guaranteed to be without self-intersections, or overlaps between polygons (from construction onwards). This class makes use of the Clipper2 library for polygon clipping (boolean) and offsetting operations.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ FillRule

enum class FillRule

Filling rules defining which polygon sub-regions are considered to be inside a given polygon, and which sub-regions will not (based on winding numbers). See the Clipper2 docs for a detailed explaination with illusrations.


Only odd numbered sub-regions are filled.


Only non-zero sub-regions are filled.


Only sub-regions with winding counts > 0 are filled.


Only sub-regions with winding counts < 0 are filled.

◆ JoinType

enum class JoinType

Specifies the treatment of path/contour joins (corners) when offseting CrossSections. See the Clipper2 doc for illustrations.


Squaring is applied uniformly at all joins where the internal join angle is less that 90 degrees. The squared edge will be at exactly the offset distance from the join vertex.


Rounding is applied to all joins that have convex external angles, and it maintains the exact offset distance from the join vertex.


There's a necessary limit to mitered joins (to avoid narrow angled joins producing excessively long and narrow spikes). So where mitered joins would exceed a given maximum miter distance (relative to the offset distance), these are 'squared' instead.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CrossSection() [1/5]

The default constructor is an empty cross-section (containing no contours).

◆ CrossSection() [2/5]

CrossSection ( const CrossSection & other)

The copy constructor avoids copying the underlying paths vector (sharing with its parent via shared_ptr), however subsequent transformations, and their application will not be shared. It is generally recommended to avoid this, opting instead to simply create CrossSections with the available const methods.

◆ CrossSection() [3/5]

CrossSection ( const SimplePolygon & contour,
FillRule fillrule = FillRule::Positive )

Create a 2d cross-section from a single contour. A boolean union operation (with Positive filling rule by default) is performed to ensure the resulting CrossSection is free of self-intersections.

contourA closed path outlining the desired cross-section.
fillruleThe filling rule used to interpret polygon sub-regions created by self-intersections in contour.

◆ CrossSection() [4/5]

CrossSection ( const Polygons & contours,
FillRule fillrule = FillRule::Positive )

Create a 2d cross-section from a set of contours (complex polygons). A boolean union operation (with Positive filling rule by default) is performed to combine overlapping polygons and ensure the resulting CrossSection is free of intersections.

contoursA set of closed paths describing zero or more complex polygons.
fillruleThe filling rule used to interpret polygon sub-regions in contours.

◆ CrossSection() [5/5]

CrossSection ( const Rect & rect)

Create a 2d cross-section from an axis-aligned rectangle (bounding box).

rectAn axis-aligned rectangular bounding box.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ToPolygons()

Polygons ToPolygons ( ) const

Return the contours of this CrossSection as a Polygons.

◆ Decompose()

std::vector< CrossSection > Decompose ( ) const

This operation returns a vector of CrossSections that are topologically disconnected, each containing one outline contour with zero or more holes.

◆ Compose()

CrossSection Compose ( const std::vector< CrossSection > & crossSections)

Construct a CrossSection from a vector of other CrossSections (batch boolean union).

◆ Square()

CrossSection Square ( const vec2 size,
bool center = false )

Constructs a square with the given XY dimensions. By default it is positioned in the first quadrant, touching the origin. If any dimensions in size are negative, or if all are zero, an empty Manifold will be returned.

sizeThe X, and Y dimensions of the square.
centerSet to true to shift the center to the origin.

◆ Circle()

CrossSection Circle ( double radius,
int circularSegments = 0 )

Constructs a circle of a given radius.

radiusRadius of the circle. Must be positive.
circularSegmentsNumber of segments along its diameter. Default is calculated by the static Quality defaults according to the radius.

◆ IsEmpty()

bool IsEmpty ( ) const

Does the CrossSection contain any contours?

◆ NumVert()

size_t NumVert ( ) const

Return the number of vertices in the CrossSection.

◆ NumContour()

size_t NumContour ( ) const

Return the number of contours (both outer and inner paths) in the CrossSection.

◆ Bounds()

Rect Bounds ( ) const

Returns the axis-aligned bounding rectangle of all the CrossSections' vertices.

◆ Area()

double Area ( ) const

Return the total area covered by complex polygons making up the CrossSection.

◆ Translate()

CrossSection Translate ( const vec2 v) const

Move this CrossSection in space. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

vThe vector to add to every vertex.

◆ Rotate()

CrossSection Rotate ( double degrees) const

Applies a (Z-axis) rotation to the CrossSection, in degrees. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

degreesdegrees about the Z-axis to rotate.

◆ Scale()

CrossSection Scale ( const vec2 scale) const

Scale this CrossSection in space. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

scaleThe vector to multiply every vertex by per component.

◆ Mirror()

CrossSection Mirror ( const vec2 ax) const

Mirror this CrossSection over the arbitrary axis described by the unit form of the given vector. If the length of the vector is zero, an empty CrossSection is returned. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

axthe axis to be mirrored over

◆ Transform()

CrossSection Transform ( const mat2x3 & m) const

Transform this CrossSection in space. The first two columns form a 2x2 matrix transform and the last is a translation vector. This operation can be chained. Transforms are combined and applied lazily.

mThe affine transform matrix to apply to all the vertices.

◆ Warp()

CrossSection Warp ( std::function< void(vec2 &)> warpFunc) const

Move the vertices of this CrossSection (creating a new one) according to any arbitrary input function, followed by a union operation (with a Positive fill rule) that ensures any introduced intersections are not included in the result.

warpFuncA function that modifies a given vertex position.

◆ WarpBatch()

CrossSection WarpBatch ( std::function< void(VecView< vec2 >)> warpFunc) const

Same as CrossSection::Warp but calls warpFunc with a VecView which is roughly equivalent to std::span pointing to all vec2 elements to be modified in-place

warpFuncA function that modifies multiple vertex positions.

◆ Simplify()

CrossSection Simplify ( double epsilon = 1e-6) const

Remove vertices from the contours in this CrossSection that are less than the specified distance epsilon from an imaginary line that passes through its two adjacent vertices. Near duplicate vertices and collinear points will be removed at lower epsilons, with elimination of line segments becoming increasingly aggressive with larger epsilons.

It is recommended to apply this function following Offset, in order to clean up any spurious tiny line segments introduced that do not improve quality in any meaningful way. This is particularly important if further offseting operations are to be performed, which would compound the issue.

◆ Offset()

CrossSection Offset ( double delta,
JoinType jointype,
double miter_limit = 2.0,
int circularSegments = 0 ) const

Inflate the contours in CrossSection by the specified delta, handling corners according to the given JoinType.

deltaPositive deltas will cause the expansion of outlining contours to expand, and retraction of inner (hole) contours. Negative deltas will have the opposite effect.
jointypeThe join type specifying the treatment of contour joins (corners).
miter_limitThe maximum distance in multiples of delta that vertices can be offset from their original positions with before squaring is applied, when the join type is Miter (default is 2, which is the minimum allowed). See the Clipper2 MiterLimit page for a visual example.
circularSegmentsNumber of segments per 360 degrees of JoinType::Round corners (roughly, the number of vertices that will be added to each contour). Default is calculated by the static Quality defaults according to the radius.

◆ Boolean()

CrossSection Boolean ( const CrossSection & second,
OpType op ) const

Perform the given boolean operation between this and another CrossSection.

◆ BatchBoolean()

CrossSection BatchBoolean ( const std::vector< CrossSection > & crossSections,
OpType op )

Perform the given boolean operation on a list of CrossSections. In case of Subtract, all CrossSections in the tail are differenced from the head.

◆ operator+()

CrossSection operator+ ( const CrossSection & Q) const

Compute the boolean union between two cross-sections.

◆ operator+=()

CrossSection & operator+= ( const CrossSection & Q)

Compute the boolean union between two cross-sections, assigning the result to the first.

◆ operator-()

CrossSection operator- ( const CrossSection & Q) const

Compute the boolean difference of a (clip) cross-section from another (subject).

◆ operator-=()

CrossSection & operator-= ( const CrossSection & Q)

Compute the boolean difference of a (clip) cross-section from a another (subject), assigning the result to the subject.

◆ operator^()

CrossSection operator^ ( const CrossSection & Q) const

Compute the boolean intersection between two cross-sections.

◆ operator^=()

CrossSection & operator^= ( const CrossSection & Q)

Compute the boolean intersection between two cross-sections, assigning the result to the first.

◆ Hull() [1/4]

CrossSection Hull ( ) const

Compute the convex hull of this cross-section.

◆ Hull() [2/4]

CrossSection Hull ( const std::vector< CrossSection > & crossSections)

Compute the convex hull enveloping a set of cross-sections.

crossSectionsA vector of cross-sections over which to compute a convex hull.

◆ Hull() [3/4]

CrossSection Hull ( const SimplePolygon pts)

Compute the convex hull of a set of points. If the given points are fewer than 3, an empty CrossSection will be returned.

ptsA vector of 2-dimensional points over which to compute a convex hull.

◆ Hull() [4/4]

CrossSection Hull ( const Polygons polys)

Compute the convex hull of a set of points/polygons. If the given points are fewer than 3, an empty CrossSection will be returned.

polysA vector of vectors of 2-dimensional points over which to compute a convex hull.