Manifold 3.0
Robust geometry
No Matches

Swizzles and subobjects. More...


template<int... I, class T, int M>
constexpr vec< T, sizeof...(I)> swizzle (const vec< T, M > &a)
 Returns a vector containing the specified ordered indices, e.g. linalg::swizzle<1, 2, 0>(vec4(4, 5, 6, 7)) == vec3(5, 6, 4)
template<int I0, int I1, class T, int M>
constexpr vec< T, I1 - I0 > subvec (const vec< T, M > &a)
 Returns a vector containing the specified index range, e.g. linalg::subvec<1, 4>(vec4(4, 5, 6, 7)) == vec3(5, 6, 7)
template<int I0, int J0, int I1, int J1, class T, int M, int N>
constexpr mat< T, I1 - I0, J1 - J0 > submat (const mat< T, M, N > &a)
 Returns a matrix containing the specified row and column range: linalg::submat<rowStart, colStart, rowEnd, colEnd>

Detailed Description

Swizzles and subobjects.